Importance of Equine Dental Care

Importance of Equine Dental Care

Explore the integral aspect of equine well-bring as we uncover the significance of dental care for horses. From optimising digestive health to enhancing performance and behaviour, learn how prioritising oral hygiene ensures a happier, healthier horse. Discover the importance of routine check-ups and preventative measures in sustaining your horse's vitality.
Summer to Autumn Transition: How to Adjust Your Horse’s Feed and Blanketing

Summer to Autumn Transition: How to Adjust Your Horse’s Feed and Blanketing

Prepare your equine companions for the autumn transition with expert care tips and product recommendations from Greg Grant Saddlery. From assessing nutritional needs to adjusting blanketing and providing shelter, this comprehensive guide ensures your horse remains healthy, comfortable, and ready for the changing seasons. Learn how to fine-tune feeding routines, monitor hydration, and adapt to fluctuating weather conditions for a smooth transition into autumn riding and adventure. Trust in our expertise to keep your horse thriving through the seasonal shift.